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Angelika Ringleb

aka Angie
Co-founder | President


my name is Angie Ringleb. I was born in the United States and grew up in Essen, Ruhrpott Germany. After school I went to explore the world, and eventually studied International Tourism & Hospitality management at London Metropolitan University.

I now live on Fuerteventura and run my own surfschool, NOMB Surf. NOMB is short for Nature-Ocean-Mind-Body, and for me represents the four fundamental pillars for living a balanced life. During the past 11 years of professional surfcoaching, I have trained myself in different areas, I have tried and erred and designed specific surfcoaching methods.

In 2022 I started being involved in the training of surfers with disabilities. There is still so much to learn for me, for the sport and for our society. Making surfing accessible for everyone, and using is as a therapeutical tool, that is one of the main goals I am aiming for personally.

Since being young, I have felt the urge to change the world for the better. I feel very strong about injustice. When I was 11 years old, I decided to stop eating animals, a few years ago I changed to a completely plant based diet. I have always tried to create positive changes around me, tried to motivate the people close to me, tried to embody tolerance and face life and its problems directly. Being confronted with opposition threw me of balance a few times, but it has not stopped me.

My admiration for mother nature became even stronger when I started surfing. The connection with the waves makes the ocean my home, my place of refuge, my healing and also my challenge. The sport of surfing is unique, it moves so much inside of me and offers me unlimited possibilities of positive usage.

All my attempts to change the world around me made me connect with incredible people. They supported me, motivated me and, also through criticism, made me grow. But at the end of the day it was always me, Angie.

Mid 2021 I reached a point where ´just Angie´ just wasn’t enough anymore. Born was the idea of NOMB Changes and using surfing as a tool to create positive changes in our society and environment on a larger scale.

Life has chosen to make my way cross with Annette, Chicken and Doro. All at different times but every time here in the waves of Fuerteventura. People always say: things happen for a reason. I know now why we ended up being friends instead of just passing through each other’s lifes. Forming one big dream out of several individual ones turned us into a real dreamteam. I am excited and looking forward to the path ahead of us.

If you share our thoughts and ideology, we would be honoured to welcome you as a NOMB Changes. Alone we are a drop, together we are an ocean.

Sea you there. Love Angie

Fun facts about Angie

Describe yourself in a song: Lass die Sonne rein (Fanta Vier)

If NOMB Changes were a superheroine, what supernatural abilities would she have and how would she change the world? Super-Uschi would be somewhat like Robin Hood (with less illegality and even more empathy). She would be known for helping the needy and oppressed, embodying the fight against injustice and supporting the weak and disadvantaged. She would make this world fairer for humans, animals, and Mother Nature alike.

What do you bring to NOMB Changes: my love for the ocean, the sport of surfing and for life. My expertise in surfcoaching, management and leadership. And also a little bit of my Schabernack attitude.

What are you currently learning: Someone once told me that for me standing still is a step backwards. I am someone who is constantly learning. At this particular moment I am studying sustainable destination branding & marketing.

What has been your happiest surfing moment so far: I have had way too many happy surfing moments to be able to pick one. Surfing in Rapa Nui was magical and is definately something I will always remember. But to be honest, I am having fun wherever I surf, and especially when I am surrounded by Schabernack people.

When and how did you realize that surfing is more than just a sport for you? Is there a specific situation you remember: the moment I was handed a surfboard and jumped into the Pacific. I still remember it, like it was yesterday. Even what the sky looked like that day. Something inside me shifted, and so many things started to make sense. It was like falling in love, head over heals.

Which NOMB Changes moment(s) do you particularly enjoy remembering: the moment the four of us met at Munich central train station. Against all odds. It was freezing cold but that was the day NOMB Changes became reality. We celebrated with a bottle of Champagne and a platform dance. It’s hard to beat this moment.