There’s something undeniably powerful about the ocean. About riding waves. And about making change in this world. MakeAWave by SurfAid – 30 days of surfing a wave every single day combines a lot of it in one challenge of the heart. This September challenge was therefore a must-do for our NOMB Changers. As both Angie and Chicken live next to the ocean, they were determined to surf a day every day through September, all for a good cause. Angie was shredding in Fuerteventura and Galicia, while Chicken explore all the waves around Oahu, Hawaii.
As NOMB Changes is an organization, which is deeply rooted in community, empowerment and inclusion it wasn’t a question for us to embrace this challenge „MakeAWave“. A movement by SurfAid, who helps people in remote surf areas of the world to bring clean water, healthcare and food security. So guess what, it isn’t about riding waves in the water only, it’s about making changes far beyond the shore. Every wave surfed is a metaphor for the changes we want to create – a ripple effect that extends across our lives, our communities, and our world. Every person who takes part is making a commitment: To themselves, to the environment but especially to the people who need it most, people in remote surf areas of the world. And Chicken and Angie were so ready to make this commitment.
Riding a wave – every single day
When you commit to ride a wave every day, you will ride a wave every day. Even if that means to head into the water all by yourself when the night has already creeped in. Even if it means by getting up around 5 o clock in the morning, to get that wave before going to work. Even if you don’t feel like surfing, you are going to surf. That makes you a grumpy chicken from time to time, but after the wave, you know it’s all worth it and you are like: Yes, this is EPIC!
We realized very quickly that MakeAWave waves are hitting our hearts – it feels like that these waves that you surf have travelled miles to meet you. It feels like this special wave brings people together in so many ways. People who surf the waves, people who support the waves by donating, people who inspire in the lineup, and people from all these communities all over the world. That’s what we love. We truly think that is epic. So we did shred, as team members of the Shredders Team. We shred, every single day.
This 30-day challenge wasn’t only a personal test of endurance, but also a chance to amplify voices, spread awareness, and invite others to get involved. Each wave is a small victory—against apathy, against doubt, and in favor of action. Because in the ocean, we are all equals, riding the same waves, facing the same currents, and sharing the same stoke. And what we love most, is a chicken stoke.
So, why not take it on? For 30 days, we surfed not just for ourselves but for the world around us. And we got reminded of the power of community, the strength of our spirit, and the profound impact that even the smallest actions can have. Together with SurfAid as NOMB Changes, we’re not just making waves—we’re making a difference.
If you, too, believe in the positive impact of surfing, consider becoming a NOMB Changer yourself or donat to help us create unforgettable waves.